
quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

títulos que [podem e...] dizem tudo... a economia está de 'pantanas'...? a escola é [sempre] a culpada...!

o título...

"Are public schools unfairly blamed for America’s economic woes?"

excerto do comentário...

"But in each of these communities, there was an institution that remained functioning and intact — the neighborhood public schools. No matter what happened in the surrounding area, their doors remained open and they tried to serve young people whose lives were being turned inside out by a catastrophe of a kind that no one thought could take place in the United States of America.

While those schools showed serious signs of decay and often seemed overwhelmed by the problems deeply wounded students carried with them to class, the schools remained their neighborhoods most important “safe zones,” and at times provided an uplift for everyone through artistic and athletic achievements.

Now flash ahead 20 years later and these very same schools are being blamed for the economic failures of the communities in which they are located and for the educational failures of their students. Their teachers are publicly pilloried as overpaid, selfish and a drain on a national economy that requires schools to be run with the efficiency of American business."

podíamos acrescentar outros serviços de proximidade que 'acalentam' algumas hipóteses de progresso às comunidades... como um centro de saúde, um posto de correio, uma igreja... etc...!

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