
quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

nada que por cá não se verá... assim tão longiquamente...!

"The New York Times online indexes the article "$5 Billion in Grants Offered to Revisit Teacher Policies" as education. It probably should have been listed under politics. After three years of demonizing teachers as the problem with American education with its Race to the Top program, the Obama administration apparently now realizes it will need teacher union support and teacher and public school parent votes to be reelected. Suddenly, Education Secretary Arne Duncan wants to "work with teachers in rebuilding their profession and to elevate the teacher voice in federal, state and local education policy.""

com os professores nas 'palminhas' e o funcionalismo público...?

pois os militares, juízes, médicos e advogados não contam...

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