
quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

a propósito da avaliação de desempenho [valor acrescentado] docente.. mais umas achegas... via 'states'...!

depois de ter deixado para consulta... aqui, um trabalho de raj chetty sobre o valor acrescentado na educação... ficam mais uns parágrafos sobre a coisa...!

vale a pena dar uma vista de olhos... no original...!

"Should we be surprised? Great teachers consistently report that they are motivated largely by the pleasure they derive from the job, not bonuses. Unfortunately, the joy of teaching has taken some serious hits in recent years. Policies that focus on reading and math tests increasingly narrow curricula, neglecting important subjects and making instruction more rigid in core subjects. Emphasis on student test scores as a means of evaluating teacher performance, often with serious consequences for those teachers' careers, punishes teachers who take on the very at-risk students we want them to work with. Those policies also fail to promote or reward team teaching and collaboration, factors shown to improve teacher effectiveness and morale."


nada de [muito] novo... também por esta frente ocidental...!

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