sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

à atenção aos desempregados... com formação académica [superior, graduada e pós-graduada]... decente...? olha se a moda pega... por cá... 'vai ser o bom e o bonito'...!

"Law students in the US invest up to $100,000 in their education – and if they don't get a job at the end of it they can feel cheated.

Are law schools misleading potential students about the value of a JD (professional doctorate in law)? That's the argument that a handful of New York-based law grads from New York Law School, Hofstra and Brooklyn Law are making in a New York state court. They claim that the schools fudge postgraduate employment rates. They cite one school claiming that 90% of students are employed after graduation, when according to the complaints, only 40% have jobs that require a law degree and a number of students work in temporary jobs at the law school itself, which boots employment numbers."


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