
sábado, 3 de março de 2012

nem tanto ao mar... mas a escola 'pode' ser mais 'alegre'... ou não será...?...why school should be funnier...!

"When I first began teaching high school I had two students who sat near the front of the room and quietly laughed each day at the beginning of class. An “informer” told me that they were making bets regarding how often I’d nervously straighten my tie as class began. I could have admonished them for their laughter, but I thought this was very funny. So I straightened my tie about 20 times in a row at the start of the next class.  After their initially stunned expressions, they figured out what was going on and the three of us cracked up. They continued to tease me through the whole semester. Decades later, I still remember their names.

I take teaching very seriously. The work we do as educators is important. But I also wish so much of it wasn’t so humorless.  In fact, teachers and administrators who lack a sense of humor should find another profession. That’s a fairly harsh and rigid position, but teaching and leading in schools without a sense of humor is detrimental for both the educators and the students.

By a sense of humor, I don’t mean the ability to tell jokes or include humorous anecdotes in one’s lessons. That’s not a bad thing and makes for a more entertaining class (particularly if they’re funny!). But some great joke tellers who are also pretty humorless. Rather, I mean an ability to see absurdity in the class, school meetings, and in oneself, and be able to laugh at it all."  

apesar de 'concordar' [em parte] não sou 'assim'... e não penso mudar de profissão...!

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