
quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

da educação... [ainda a procissão vai no adro... também por cá...!]... são as escolas americanas muito fáceis...?... perguntam lá pelos 'states'...!


Here is his analysis:

Yesterday, the Center for American Progress released a report entitled, “Do School Challenge Our Students?” The essential take-away, in the words of the authors, is that, “Many students are not being challenged in school.” Based on the authors’ analysis of student survey questions from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP (http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/naepdata/), additional findings include:
  1. “Many schools are not challenging students and large percentages of students report that their school work is “too easy.”
  2. “Many students are not engaged in rigorous learning activities.”
  3. “Students don’t have access to key science and technology learning opportunities”
  4. “Too many students don’t understand their teacher’s questions and report that they are not learning during class.”
  5. “Students from disadvantaged background are less likely to have access to more rigorous learning opportunities.”
Let me address a few of the many, many problems with this report.


para ler o artigo... aqui.

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