
terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012

educação... professor [educador] é uma profissão...? [via discussão] lá por terras de sua majestade...!

"Michael Gove's announcement that Qualified Teacher Status will no longer be required to teach in academy schools will do nothing to reassure people that he has doubts about teaching being a profession

Michael Gove's recent announcement that Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) will no longer be required to teach in academy schools will do nothing to reassure people that he has doubts about teaching being a profession. Indeed, he usually refers to it as a craft.

I was at a party once and a fellow guest asked me what I did for a living. I answered: "By profession, I'm a teacher."

"Ah well, teaching isn't a profession." he replied. When I asked him why he held that view he said: "Because teachers are prepared to go on strike. Members of real professions don't go on strike."

By any standards, that's a pretty narrow definition of a profession. But I do ask this question of all the new teachers I meet: "Is teaching a profession?"

Most say "Yes, of course!" but then I ask them to define "a profession" and how it is different from any other kind of job. Then I get a wide variety of responses. For example, some say: "Professions like teaching are usually respected, trusted and are expected to be role models." Others add that to enter a profession "usually requires education, training, qualifications, commitment, dedication and even passion". Some demur and say: "Ok, but that definition can include electricians, hairdressers and car mechanics too".

I agree with that, at least to a point. My car mechanic probably has all those attributes - he certainly has passion for cars and seems very dedicated to my satisfaction as a customer.

But I wonder whether as a member of the public and particularly as a parent, I would expect the same things from an electrician, plumber, hairdresser or car mechanic as I would from a doctor, solicitor or my child's teacher?

And that's where I realise I do expect something different.

For example, I know for a fact that my car mechanic has no qualifications in car mechanics though he's been mending my car for years and he's brilliant at it. To be honest with you, it doesn't bother me that he hasn't, he's a great car mechanic and does a really good job mending my car at a good price."

para ler o resto...aqui.

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