
quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2013

is experience necessary to be a “great” teacher?... no diane ravitch's blog...!

"The New York Times has a good debate this morning about the value of experience for teaching. 

The debate was prompted by a very controversial article last week in which charter leaders claimed that two or three years of teaching was good enough, and that they liked the constant turnover of bright inexperienced teachers. The title of the article actually referred teachers who had a “short career by choice,” though some might say that what these young people had was a job or a temp position. A career normally refers to a commitment, not an experience.

Most extraordinary was this statement:

“Strong schools can withstand the turnover of their teachers,” said Wendy Kopp, the founder of Teach for America. “The strongest schools develop their teachers tremendously so they become great in the classroom even in their first and second years.”

None of these young teachers will stay around long enough to be evaluated. How will we know if they are “great”?"

para seguir o 'debate'... a ligação directa... aqui.

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