
quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013

coisas de reformas na educação (5) [lá pelos 'states']...how public opinion about new pisa test scores is being manipulated... no the answer sheet...!

"This Tuesday, new reading, math and science results will be released from the  Program  for International Student Assessment, or PISA, given every three years to 15-year-old students in more than 65 countries and education systems by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The results are always big news — and the usual average U.S. scores are always cause for great cries of concern about what they mean for the future of the country’s economic health and national security. They don’t mean much, if anything, but that doesn’t stop people from saying they do.

The following hard-hitting post on the release of the PISA scores was written by Richard Rothstein, research associate at the Economic Policy Institute,  a non-profit organization created to broaden the discussion about economic policy to include the interests of low- and middle-income workers, and Martin Carnoy, education professor at  Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education. It explains what international test score results  really mean and what they don’t mean, and also explains why the authors believe the U.S. Education Department is attempting not only only to inform the public about the results but “to manipulate public opinion.”  This piece will appear on the EPI website.

This year a new Web site has been created just for PISA Day, called, of course, PISADay.org, where 10 organizations will host the official announcement of the PISA results and more. From the website:"

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