
domingo, 8 de dezembro de 2013

já agora fique a saber... '10 things teachers need to know about the pisa results'... no teacher network.. no the guardian professional...!

"An excellent education requires more than just money
Beyond a certain level of expenditure per student, it is the way in which resources are allocated that matters. While the UK spends more on education than most Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member states, it does not make the top 20 for maths, reading or science.

Among high-income countries, those who pay teachers more tend to perform better
Results from the study show that best-performing countries tend to pay teachers higher salaries (relative to their per capita GDP). While paying teachers well is only part of the equation, the reports says, "higher salaries can help school systems attract the best candidates to the teaching profession."

Well-being is more important to parents than exam results
Across OECD countries, if offered a choice of schools for their child, parents tend to consider "a safe school environment" and "a school's good reputation" more important than "high academic achievement of students in the school."

Handing power to teachers can boost performance
Systems that provide schools with greater discretion in deciding student-assessment policies, the courses offered, the content of those courses and the textbooks used achieve higher attainment levels. Such autonomy is most effective when an accountability system is used and greater teacher-principal collaboration takes place. Giving schools more responsibility over managing funding appears to be unrelated to a school's success.

Highly-stratified systems do not lead to better results
In general, school systems that cater to different students' needs by separating young people into different institutions, grade levels and classes have not succeeded in producing superior overall attainment. In such systems, the influence a student's socio-economic status bears on their academic performance is far stronger and young people tend to be less motivated.

Teacher-student relations matter – and they're improving
Among students with equal performance and similar socio-economic status, those who attend schools with better teacher-student relations report a stronger sense of belonging and greater intrinsic motivation to learn. Teacher-student relations improved between 2003 and 2012 in all but one country, Tunisia, where they remained stable.

Most heads believe morale is high
91% of students attend schools whose principals agree that the morale of their teachers is high, while 94% of students attend schools whose principals agree that teachers work with enthusiasm.

Excellent teaching is vital
Countries that have improved their performance in Pisa – such as Estonia, Poland, Brazil, Colombia, Japan and Israel – have created policies aimed at enhancing the quality of their teaching staff. This includes making it harder to earn a teaching license, providing incentives for high-achieving students to enter the profession, increasing salaries, and offering incentives for teachers to engage in in-service teacher-training programmes.

More school systems are prioritising performance data
The percentage of students who attended schools that use assessment data to compare themselves to other schools increased from 40% in 2003 to 52% in 2012. The use of student-assessment data to compare against national or regional benchmarks or with other schools increased most notably in Brazil, Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg and Portugal, and declined only in Finland during the same period.

Most UK heads say behaviour is not a major disruption to classes
Some 89% of students are in schools whose principals report that learning is not at all or very little hindered by students intimidating or bullying other students. Some 95% of students or more in Montenegro, Indonesia, Albania, the Slovak Republic, Latvia, the United Kingdom, Romania, Spain, Japan, Singapore, Lithuania and Iceland attend such schools. More than 20% of students in Kazakhstan, Shanghai-China, Finland, Colombia, the Netherlands, Brazil, Korea and Tunisia attend schools where learning is hindered by students intimidating or bullying others to some extent or a lot

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