
sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2015

coisas da educação [áreas científicas]... da gestão educacional, lá pelas terras de sua mejestade...!

no the guardian...

"There are far greater threats to practical work in science. The desperate underfunding of science in state schools is leading to ever-increasing class sizes. Schools are finding it ever more difficult to offer salaries which will attract people with qualifications in science into the teaching profession. It would really help science teachers if our senior scientists would concentrate their efforts on addressing these real threats rather than trying to reinstate a completely discredited system of practical assessment.
Keith Strachan

• Paul Nurse writes with the authority of his position as president of the Royal Society on the necessity of providing young people with the skills of practical understanding of science. From the perspective of the primary school there is a widespread recognition that opportunities need to be provided where children can learn not just science but how to become scientists. Lab_13, a space where children run their own experiments, is a model of how this can work.
Rick Hall


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