
terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2015

informações [educação]... pela europa...!

Open Education Europa
Open Education Europa Teachers Contest
Open Education Europa Teachers Contest
The Open Education Europa's Teachers Contest has been widely popular, attracting lots of good practices from 27 countries in October. Due to this enthusiastic response and requests from many educators to extend the contest's deadline, we decided to give to all interested educators, trainers and teachers more time...Read more
Highlighted Mooc
Assessment for learning in practice
Assessment for learning in practice
This MOOC provides you with theory and guidelines for knowledge construction on formative assessment while offering support in designing assessments that can be applied as a tool for learning and training of competences. Read more
Highlighted Blog
OECD report
The truth usually lies in the middle.
OECD report questions the value of technology in schools. What did 13 distinguished experts say? What is your opinion? Our survey results are out!! Read More
Highlighted News
Open Educational Resources
Do you want to find a good European Repository of Open Educational Resources (OER)?
Open Education Europa has compiled and is releasing as open data the analytical list of European Repositories of Open Educational Resources (OER). Read More
Highlighted Event
Online Educa 2015. 
ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN is the largest global conference on technology supported learning and training for the corporate, education and public service sectors. Read More
Highlighted Blog
8 Teacher Truths in the Digital Era
8 Teacher Truths in the Digital Era
"Each meeting with exceptional educators pushes how I think about technology in classrooms". Alex Beard gave us 8 ideas for how to increase teacher adoption of good tech in the classroom. Read More
Highlighted Project
Entrepreneurial skills and attitudes are a key for employability and development in Europe. The StartUp_EU project is designed to motivate secondary school students by replicating the excitement and creative innovation of a new startup companyRead more. Read More

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