
segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2016

a começar o dia... por terras de sua majestade...!

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It’s been a busy week for education news.

All schools are going to be academised. Parent governors are to be dropped from school governing bodies. Headteachers are being told to scrap the traditional 3.30pm home time and consider increasing the length of the school day. There will be a review of how pupil premium money is spent, and a league table for multi-academy trusts is to be introduced.

Oh, and students could be forced to study maths until age 18 (no, we have no idea whether all the extra maths teachers will appear from either, given the current shortage).

If the government is going to recruit more teachers, it will need to find a way to ensure mums and dads can combine work with parenthood, according to the Policy Exchange thinktank. This week Geeta Aashish Patel, assistant headteacher at Mount Grace school, writes about the difficulties parents face when returning to work – and what the government can do about it.

Also on the network this week, our Secret Teacher writes about the constant testing of children in the early years. Although policy states that schools should be inclusive, rigid targets mean this can’t happen in practice. She fears that the system is crushing students’ confidence – and jeopardising their chances of meeting their potential.

As ever, we’re keen to hear your views – the comments are open below the line.

Hope you have a lovely Sunday.

Rebecca Ratcliffe

Highlights of the week  
Secret Teacher: Our obsession with targets is hurting vulnerable pupils
I became a teacher because I wanted to help students who struggle to cope

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