
quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2019

[ambiente] o plástico, como sempre...

logo and head
Want to know how to limit your plastic waste but don't know where to start?
Our friends at Environment Oregon have some tips for where you can start. Here are the top five:

Filling Water Bottle
1. Avoid disposable cups and drinks in plastic bottles
Carry a reusable travel mug or water bottle with you on any outing for your hydration needs.
Reusable Bags

2. Bring your own reusable bags
Most plastic bags are used for minutes before being discarded, ending up in landfills, or blown into streams and rivers where they travel to the ocean and are eaten by sea life. End this harmful cycle by bringing a reusable bag with you when you go to the store.

Reusable Containers
3. Buy in bulk to minimize or eliminate packaging
This goes for food and drink packaging as well as cleaning supplies, toiletries, hardware items -- anything that may come packed in plastic. Bonus: the products are usually cheaper and of better quality.

4. Use non-plastic reusable containers for food
This works for lunches, leftovers, freezing, storage, take-out and traveling. Tip: Keep a reusable container in your car that you can use for take-out or leftovers. Take a container when you buy meat, fish or cheese.

Razor with removable blades
5. Use a razor with removable blades
Disposable razors are one of the biggest contributors to plastic waste. Next time, buy a razor with replaceable 
blades as a cheaper and eco-friendly alternative.

Visit our website to see the entire list of ways to reduce your plastic consumption!

Thank you for all you do for the planet,
The Environmental Action team

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