
quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2019

[educação] algumas leituras...

An Education Week special report
View Projects, Portfolios, and Performance Assessments, online now.
Does standardized testing accurately evaluate students' learning progress? Opponents to traditional testing believe "capstone" projects, portfolios, and performance-based tests better enhance students' learning and truly prepare them for college and the workplace.

This Education Week special report explores alternative testing methods to offer a big-picture look at the current state of performance assessment and pinpoint some best practices. Subscribe so you can read the full report, and get complete access to everything on edweek.org.
Performance Assessment: 4 Best Practices
This isn't the first time states and schools have turned to projects, portfolios, exhibitions, and essays to measure students' learning. Here are lessons from the last go-around.
Exploring Ways to Say So Long to Traditional Letter Grades
Some teachers are ditching grades or using standards-based grades and "no zero" grading policies to keep students more focused on learning and less intent on grade-grubbing.
Colleges Crack Open the Admissions Door to Consider Students' Skills
Most colleges rely on standardized tests and grades to decide who gets into their schools. A handful of schools want to change up the mix.
Three Teachers, One Test Question: Will Their Responses Differ?
How Digital Games Take the Stress Out of Formative Tests
How to Assess Group Projects: It's About Content and Teamwork
Can 'Capstone Projects' Deepen Learning for High School Seniors?

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