
sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2019

[educação] divulgando...

How Digital Games Take the Stress Out of Formative Tests How Digital Games Take the Stress Out of Formative Tests
Elementary school teachers in the Peach State are using "game-based" formative assessments to take a pulse on their students' learning. Read more.

District leaders share ed-tech best practices and persistent challenges
They Hacked Their School District When They Were 12. The Adults Are Still Trying to Catch Up.
This troubling tale is a must-read for ed-tech leaders who want to prevent students from hacking into their networks. Read the full story.

Education Week Online Summit - Testing for Real-World Performance
Join Education Week on Tuesday February 19, 2019, from 1 to 3 p.m., for a deep dive into performance-based student assessments in your schools. This Online Summit provides you a unique opportunity to directly interact with reporters and student assessment experts and practitioners. Learn more.

Scores Were Lower When Mass. Students Took PARCC Exams on Computers, Study Finds Scores Were Lower When Mass. Students Took PARCC Exams on Computers, Study Finds
Unfamiliarity with technology contributed to lower scores for online test-takers in 2015, but the effects diminished over time, researchers found. Read more.
Last Words on Innovation
Here is a look at innovation vs. improvement and how we can all support creating a future that works for everyone. Read more.
Microsoft Acquires Education Data Platform From Brightbytes
Microsoft is acquiring DataSense, a data integration platform developed by the company Brightbytes. Read more.
Ed-Tech Startups at FETC Promote Both Mission and Profitability
This year among more than 30 entries to FETC's Pitchfest to award the title of most innovative startup, many of the companies had a social mission in addition to being for-profit models. Read more.
Feedback Loops Lead the Way to Mastery
Elementary students and their teacher reflect on getting feedback from experts, in support of growing as a learner. Read more.
Trump Avoids Tech in State of the Union Address
There's No Good Reason to Trust Blockchain Technology
SPONSORED WEBINAR - Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019, 4 to 5 p.m. ET
Building Community Around Essential Literacy Experiences
Join Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell for a "Let's Get Practical Webinar" focused on text, talk, teaching - together toward a literate life. Click here to attend this free live event.
Content provided by: Heinemann
FREE! In this Spotlight, see how schools are exposing students to STEM in the early grades, providing skills for jobs in emerging fields, and using project-based learning to engage students in authentic real-world experiences. See other Spotlights.
1. Trump in State of the Union Speech: 'Pass School Choice,' Fund Family Leave
2. Why Doesn't Every Teacher Know the Research on Reading Instruction? (Commentary)
3. Performance Assessment: 4 Best Practices
4. 3 Takeaways From the 2018 AP Results and a Heads Up: Register Early Next Year
5. Exploring Ways to Say So Long to Traditional Letter Grades

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