"Secret Teacher: Ofsted framework produces too many teacher casualties
Older, talented teachers are being made scapegoats and our education system has become immoral
There's a teacher at my school that needs to be apologised to. She's
been there a long time, through thick and thin, good, bad and disastrous
times. She's held the school together; teaching
outstandingly, propping up staff and the senior leadership team (SLT),
commanding the respect of all. She's got that elusive teaching X-factor.
Her style can occasionally be copied but the underlying talent is
Our school is not a green leafy school. It should never be
compared to one. It is in a highly deprived area and the needs within
the school often reflect this. After a while, teachers become
specialists working in such schools. No one, however, could have become more of an expert than this particular teacher.
would never have known any of these challenges existing upon entering
this teacher's class. The ethos she created year-upon-year was
inspirational. Her focus was entirely upon the children, who hung off
her every word. She appreciated them as individuals and they thrived
both as people and academically under her guidance. They forgot any
problems they might have outside school while with her. Her classes were
fun, stimulating and most importantly, they were safe."
para ler o resto do artigo... aqui.