segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

avaliação de desempenho... dos alunos e dos professores... tudo pelos 'resultados' [accountability...?]... e [nada ou] pouco pelo 'sucesso' educativo...? por cá é [quase] a mesma coisa... não pela 'batota' mas pela 'pressão'...!

"In a poll by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers 35% of teachers said they could be persuaded to cheat
More than a third of teachers have admitted they could be tempted to re-write their pupils' exam answers, according to a poll.
Some 35% of teachers said the pressure to improve their students' grades was now so strong they could be persuaded to cheat.
A few admitted cheating was already rife in their schools in the survey of 512 teachers conducted by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).
One secondary school French teacher, who didn't want to be named, told the pollsters she "virtually re-wrote" students' work to match the marking criteria, rather than teach them:
"I do this simply because there is not time to do both."
A primary school teacher told the pollsters she had "been forced to manipulate results so that levels of progress stay up". "Our head fears an Ofsted inspection should our results waver"."


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