no blog teacher [the guardian network]...
"There are no notebooks, blackboards or even formal lesson plans:
children drop into 30-minute workshops on various subjects. There are no
seating plans and 45% of learning takes place on an iPad which every
child is given when they join.
What workshop each pupil goes to is decided by teachers, parents and
the pupils themselves as part of their six-week learning plan. De Hond
says it is about children achieving specific learning goals with
teachers acting as “talent coaches”. Children must attend school for a
full day, but the devices let them learn at any time anywhere, taking
screen grabs to indicate their progress to teachers.
Marina Donker, who teaches at The Ontplooiing Steve Jobs School in
Amsterdam, explains that they use web-based learning programmes which
adapt work to a child’s results. “There are no piles of school notebooks
at the and of the day waiting for us. Children can work by themselves
in a quiet room; this means that we can work with smaller groups during
our workshops.”
While these schools offer a unique approach, the use of iPads in
classrooms is not new. According to Apple, more than 10m iPads have been
purchased by educational institutions worldwide, 7m in the US and
750,000 in the state of Texas alone.
De Hond has noticed children getting more self-assured in their
learning over the year in his schools. There has been no formal research
conducted so far, but De Hond believes iPads are helping children to
concentrate for longer, having a particularly positive impact on those
who suffer from attention deficit disorder (ADD).
“A lot of the time attention disorders are when someone is bored. If
you spend your spare time in a stimulating environment then go to school
and are stuck in an uninspiring environment, it’s no wonder children
rebel,” he says.
Kim Kampman, who teaches at the main Steve Jobs school in Sneek, says
that one child with behavioural difficulties who came to them from a
special school is doing well although she acknowledges that for other
children the iPad approach, which puts emphasis on independent learning,
does not work.
“Some children need someone to tell them what to do and cannot pick
things up by themselves.” Kampman, however, does say that this it the
minority and the school, which started with 60 children, now has 150.
Robin Smorenberg, an Apple distinguished educator (ADE) in the
Netherlands, says iPads let children show what they have learnt in ways
other than just scoring highly in exams. But, he adds, teachers need a
clear idea of what the learning goals are to make sure that alternative
modes of testing are reliable.
The Steve Jobs schools carry out the same statuary assessments as
other Dutch schools and last year Kampman’s school’s scores were “as
expected”. She says that the government has been interested in their
results but it is still too early to say. “We’ve only worked [with
iPads] for one year so we don’t have a lot of evidence. But we see
children are much more motivated and they get more work done
One of the biggest discoveries for De Hond is that iPads can help you
reorganise the way a school works. “Children can do a lot of training
in maths and languages with adaptive programmes that take up almost no
teacher time. They can follow their own learning path, which might be
faster or slower.”
This frees up teachers to give more attention to the pupils who need
it, De Hond says, adding that giving children their own six-week
learning plan devised by them and their parents means they are more
engaged in their own education.
But Freek Leemhuis, an independent consultant and software developer
in the Netherlands, worries that iPads are mainly used by children to
consume information rather than be creative.
Critics also say there’s something inherently wrong with building
your school around a brand. “Schools are independent and shouldn’t be
linked to a product,” says ESRC future research leader, Andrew Manches,
who works at the University of Edinburgh.
For Kampman the biggest challenge has been how you follow the
development of a child who is learning through an iPad. “Children can
practice on an app but you cannot always see how they did it. The
challenge is following children in a way that you can see how they have
done something.”
Manches says that there is a lot of rhetoric around technology and
“personalised” learning, but he thinks that while apps are useful in
telling you what you’ve got right they are not always good at explaining
things to children. Children often learn a lot from understanding their
Then there is the coordination of it, with issues around data
protection, setting iPads up and replacing them with the latest model.
Manches says: “If all children’s data is online then that needs to be
protected. It’s important to know what infrastructure and training is
needed and what works in one school won’t necessarily work elsewhere.”
In terms of the finances, Kampman says the government-funded schools
provide every child with an iPad and parents pay just €16 a year for
their child to attend. In the time they have been open, of the 150
iPads, five have been broken and a few needed to be replaced.
In Steve Jobs schools children are also free to use the internet on
their devices. If a child finds a website that is unsuitable they tell
their teacher, says Kampman. “It’s the responsibility of the teacher to
make sure children know how to use the internet and what to do if they
find something inappropriate.”
Schools in the UK have made some movement towards using iPads, with an estimated 500 British schools using the devices. The Stephen Perse Foundation
in Cambridge has gone a step further, weaving tablets into the
curriculum. De Hond says those looking to copy the Steve Jobs school
model should first think about what children should learn if they are to
be prepared for the future. “Use the tablet to redefine the school and
not just as an extension of what you’re currently doing,” he says.
Despite his reservations, Manches is keen to see what results they
have in the Netherlands. He says that education needs evangelists but
also critical voices to help other schools understand how and why things
are working. “What we hear nowadays is that things are great but it
would be nice to have case studies of what works and how it can be
replicated. We need critical debate.”"
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