sábado, 10 de março de 2012

reformas na educação... nada que não se pareça com o que por cá se passa [na percepção da coisa... e de facto]... visto pelos 'states'...!

"Education reformers have attempted to improve the quality of teachers by changing public policy with questionable initiatives and by insisting, falsely, that educators are to blame for many of the public education system’s — and the country’s — problems.

School reformers — and some of the billionaires who fund their efforts — have ignored research about the factors that go into student achievement and have decided to impose their own “magic formulas” for determining who is a good teacher and who is a bad one. Of course everyone wants all students to have great teachers, and it is important to work towards that goal. It is important, too, to recognize that family structure, poverty, and other outside influences are equally if not more influential in how well a student does in school."


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