domingo, 4 de março de 2012

avaliação de desempenho docente [para além do 'normal' da utilização dos testes 'à americana' e do uso [indiscrimado] do valor (económico-financeiro-de ganhos pessoais) acrescentado... alguns pontos de reflexão...! também a fazer por cá [para além dos 'rankings' das escolas com base (exclusiva) nos resultados dos exames]... ou não será...?

"These kinds of analyses provide other insights for teacher evaluation, since there is a large body of evidence over many decades concerning how specific teaching practices influence student learning gains.  For example, there is considerable evidence that effective teachers:
* Understand subject matter deeply and flexibly
* Connect what is to be learned to students’ prior knowledge and experience
* Create effective scaffolds and supports for learning
* Use instructional strategies that help students draw connections, apply what they are learning, practice new skills, and monitor their own learning
* Assess student learning continuously and adapt teaching to student needs
* Provide clear standards, constant feedback, and opportunities for revising work
* Develop and effectively manage a collaborative classroom in which all students have membership.
These aspects of effective teaching, supported by research, have been incorporated into professional standards for teaching that offer some useful approaches to teacher evaluation."


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