segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012

educação... políticas públicas de educação, reformas e as [possíveis e necessárias] perguntas aos 'stakeolders' [no presente os pais]... para cá precisamos de adaptações não transcritivas... como é bom de ver...!

"If you are a parent, here are 20 questions for you to answer that will reveal how you would support a local school system that wanted to seriously reform.

Take the test. To how many of the following 20 propositions can you honestly say “yes?”

1. “Would you like your children to have informed opinions and values that may differ from your own?

2. Are you willing to advocate for higher taxes to lower class sizes, raise teacher salaries to attract better candidates to the profession, and buy technology?

3. Are you willing to have your children’s performance measured in ways other than standardized test scores?


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