terça-feira, 11 de março de 2014

a agenda privada na educação pública... já estou a ver o 'filme' daqui a uns anos [poucos?] por cá... 'the smear campaign against mayor bill de blasio'... no diane ravitch's blog...!

"I cross-posted this article on Huffington Post, to reach a wider audience beyond the blog.

The moral of the story is that it is very risky to tangle with the charter school lobby.

They are very rich, they are very powerful, and they are accustomed to opening their boutique charters in public space without paying rent.

They are also accustomed to pushing aside the children already enrolled in the public schools where they “co-locate,” and they don’t care if the children have profound disabilities, or if they take away the children’s art room, dance room, library, playground, whatever. The other children don’t count. Only the children who enroll in their schools matter. Children who get high test scores count more than children with low test scores and deserve privileges.

The de Blasio administration tried to play nice, gave them 14 new charter schools out of 17 proposals, including five new schools for Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy charter chain instead of the eight she wanted.

That, to Eva and her billionaire backers, was a declaration of war! Only five new schools! How dare he!

Since that decision, Eva is now trying to destroy the de Blasio administration, which won only a few months ago in a landslide victory.
The Rupert Murdoch press and the TV talk shows have been filled with tales of de Blasio’s crimes against children. This media blitz may be due in part to the fact that Success Academy pays at least $500,000 a year to Knickerbocker, a high-powered public relations firm in D.C., run by Anita Dunn, who served as President Obama’s director of communication in 2009."

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