terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012

liberdade de escolha e financiamento do sistema educativo... será que vamos aprender alguma coisa... com isto...?

"The average public school teacher in Cleveland is paid about $66,000, while the average charter school teacher in that city receives about $33,000 a year. That's a big cost saving for the city and state. Most charters are non-union, and teachers have no job protections or employment rights. It appears that charters have a business plan in which they keep costs low by teacher turnover, low levels of experience, and low salaries.

As in other states, charters in Ohio get no better academic results on average than regular public schools. There are more charters at the bottom in the state's academic rating ("academic emergency" or "academic watch"), but
not much difference in the middle or at the top. A study in 2009 by CREDO of Stanford found that "new charter school students have an initial loss of learning in both reading and math compared to their counterparts in traditional public schools. In subsequent years, charter school students receive no significant benefit in reading from charter school attendance compared to their counterparts in traditional public schools. However, charter school students continue significant losses of learning in math after the first year of attendance."


é que por cá parece estar a emergir opinião consentânea com isto... o reitor da ucp que fala do aumento das propinas, a fle e a sua agenda de divulgação, o projecto fénix e os empresários 'preocupados'.. etc...!

para já não falar do 'americanizado' crato...?

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