segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

ano lectivo a iniciar... algumas sugestões [para pensar] aos professores [e agir contra o stress...!]... via the guardian teacher network...!


• Don't try to be perfect. Nobody is, and all you can do is fail. Allow yourself to fail and learn. It's called being human. "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." (Henry Ford)

• Get out of your black and white thinking: this is where everything is either good or bad, including the students. Allow for shades of different colour in your teaching and in your life.

• Don't define your existence by calling yourself a teacher: make sure there are plenty of other things you enjoy.

• When things get on top of you, reframe your thinking. There might be a student who disrupts your year 9 class, but how many good kids in the room make up for that?

• The only way to solve a problem is to solve it. Teachers are good at knowing what to do when something is not right, but often not very good at doing it. Talk to a colleague about things more often than eating comfort food at break. Although, the odd cream cake can work wonders.

• Don't be a yes man/woman. If a colleague is constantly telling you how stressful the job is, you don't always have to agree. Challenging negative communication can be good for both sides.

• Keep your to-do list up to date, and do it. It's one of the biggest stress relievers.

• Stop telling everyone how busy you are - it becomes self-fulfilling.

• Seek advice from teachers you trust.

• Talk to students in corridors, especially the ones you don't get on with in class. It really affects and improves your relationships, and therefore the teaching and learning in your lessons.

• Keep smiling. When you've retired you'll miss the hurly-burly, and talk about your school like it's an old friend. Enjoy.


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